P.O. Box 1189 Wichita Falls, TX 76307


Volunteer Opportunities

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Thank you for helping our profession!


Committees & Coordinators

Affiliate Development Committee

The Affiliate Development Committee, chaired by the President-Elect, discusses membership recruitment and development programs and initiatives.

Affiliate Development Committee: Position Open -Volunteer Now

Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee solicits and reviews candidate applications for the Board of Directors election for President-Elect, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer. The Board Chair leads the committee.

Nominations Committee: Board Members

Texas Student Leadership Development Committee

This committee works with the Vice President, President, and Executive Office Manager to ensure that student interns are integrated into compatible duties with the Board of Directors during their internship. The committee administers a program of education for student interns about TXSRT, its mission, and its governance. The program assists interns in becoming leaders of TXSRT after their graduation. The committee has its own chair, and preference for committee members is given to previous student interns.

Texas Leadership Development Committee: This committee is full.

Legislative/Advocacy Committee

This committee reviews potential changes to state laws and other outside activities that could affect our profession and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors. The committee also develops plans to promote our profession in Texas. A member chairs the committee.

Legislative Affairs and Advocacy Chair: Vicki Dillard

Annual Meeting Committee

The Annual Meeting Committee, chaired by the Executive Office Manager, plans the meeting’s schedule and events.

Annual Meeting Committee: Position Open -Volunteer Now

By-Laws Committee

This committee reviews current bylaws and recommends changes to the Board of Directors. The Board Chair leads the committee.

By-Laqws Committee: Position Open -Volunteer Now

Education Coordinator

The Educational Coordinator works with the Annual Meeting Committee to procure speakers and get CE approval from the ASRT. They also help areas that want to hold area CE meetings.

Educational Coordinator: Dr. Kevin Clark

Fundraising Coordinator

The Fundraising Coordinator coordinates fundraising activities with the Treasurer and Executive Office Manager. These activities may be held at the Annual Meeting or anytime during the year.

Fundraising Coordinator: Position Open -Volunteer Now

Historian/Photographer Coordinator

The Historian/Photographer Coordinator maintains the history of TXSRT and is the official photographer at the Annual Meeting.

Historian/Photographer: Position Open -Volunteer Now

Social Media Coordinator

The Social Media Coordinator works with the Executive Office Manager and Vice President to maximize TXSRT’s use of social media.

Social Media Coordinators: Sebastian Medina

Student Contest Judges – Award of Merit Essay

Judges work with the Vice President on this contest prior to the annual meeting. The contest is open to all students.

Student Contest Coordinator Award of Merit: Positions Open -Volunteer Now


Student Contest Judges -Scientific Poster

Judges work with the Vice President on this contest prior to the annual meeting. The contest is open to all students.

Student Contest Coordinator Scientific Poster: Position Open -Volunteer Now

Student Contest Judges – iLEAD Presentations

Judges work with the Vice President on this contest prior to the annual meeting. The contest is open to all students.

Student Contest Coordinator iLEAD: Position Open -Volunteer Now

Student Contest Judges – RAD T-Shirt

Judges work with the Vice President on this contest prior to the annual meeting. The contest is open to all students.

Student Contest Coordinator RAD T-Shirt: Position Open -Volunteer Now


The Webmaster maintains the TXSRT website and email system, which TXSRT uses to communicate with its members.

Webmaster: Dr. Kimberly Onstott

Area Counselors

These individuals coordinate regional activities within their respective areas and represent their areas to the Board of Directors.


Areas currently needing Counselors 




Waco, Temple, College Station

Costal Blend

Victoria, Corpus Christi

High Plains

Amarillo, Lubbock

South Texas Boarder

Del Rio, Laredo, McAllen, Brownsville

Southwest Texas

Nacogdoches, Beaumont

Upper East Texas

Texarkana, Longview, Tyler

West Texas

Midland, Odessa, San Angelo

TXSRT Volunteer Application
Valid email. Please provide an email that is regularly monitored.
If “Yes”, you will need your TXSRT member number. https://txsrt.org/membership-card/ . Login required.
If “Yes”, you will need your ASRT member number. www.asrt.org. ASRT is encouraged, but not mandatory for all opportunities.
For more information, please review the Operational Guidebook with Standing Rules located on the txsrt.org home page under Operational Procedures of the main menu.
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