P.O. Box 1189 Wichita Falls, TX 76307


Message from the President of TSRT

Posted 11.8.2017

Happy National Radiologic Technology Week to all medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals’!

As we proudly commemorate the discovery of the x-ray by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen on Nov. 8, 1895, we encourage you to educate other health care professionals, friends, and family about the vital patient care services radiographers make worldwide for millions of patients every year. Now in its 38th year, the week-long National Radiologic Technology Week celebration calls attention to the important role medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals’ play in patient care and health care safety. Our profession continues to advance quickly and the TSRT Board of Directors are here to help you achieve your professional goals and move our profession forward. The TSRT solutes and technologists and hopes you will join us upcoming advocacy issues.

In honor of, National Radiologic Technology Week the TSRT will extend another discounted radiographer membership drive, by offering a yearlong membership price reflecting the discovery of x-ray during 1895. Through the entire month of November, TSRT membership will be offered at a fantastic discounted price of only $18.95.

The annual TSRT 2018 – 86th Annual Meeting & Clinical Symposium will be held at Lone Star College – Montgomery Campus, in Conroe, Texas on April 5 -7th. Continued Education Category A credits has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) and are being arranged through the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT).

TSRT student competitions are always a lot of fun and memorable each year. TSRT student competitions include: Award of Merit Manuscripts, I-Lead Presentations, Scientific Displays, Student Bee and RAD Tees T-Shirt competition. As a reminder, students wishing to compete must be a member by the end of December, 2017 and submit all documentation to the TSRT by the end of February, 2018. For more information regarding student competitions and the annual meeting, please visit the TSRT web-site www.tsrt.info

Respectfully yours,

Jesse Pennington, M.S.A.H. R.T., (R) (CT) (ARRT)

TSRT President, 2017-2018

Posted 8.1.17

July 21, 2017


Re: Letter from the President

Greeting fellow society members,

As the Texas Delegates, Board Chair, Mr. Brian Rich and I recently travel to Orlando, FL to represent Texas during the American Society of Radiologic Technologists, House of Delegates Meeting. Brian and I had a fantastic time during attending events such as the educational seminar, pin exchange, and delegate meetings. The delegate meetings were conducted with the highest level of professionalism and efficiency. Michael Odgren, Speaker of the House did a wonderful job of conducting business. In addition, we congratulate Beth Weber on her election as the new Speaker of the House.

The business of approving amendments and main motions went as smooth as possible with the cooperation of every chapter to resolve any differences before the votes. Delegates were able to voice their opinions of a variety of subjects with professionalism and understanding. One of the bigger issues debated was the discussion of increasing education requirements for RTs to a baccalaureate level. After much heated discussion, the motion was put on hold for further examination.

We heard from the ARRT representatives and one of the bigger questions was about the Continuing Qualification Requirements (CQR) for those who earned credentials on or after January 1st, 2011. This was implemented because the old mantra of “once certified, forever qualified” no longer meets the needs of the profession and patients in an ever-changing world of healthcare and technology. The original belief was that technologists who fall into this category would have to take the registry again! Not so; relax because it is a simple process with more than enough time to take care of business. The process will begin three years before your 10-year period is up. The ARRT will contact you when you will begin this process. It is comprised of a self-assessment “test”. This is not a truly a test as you cannot pass or fail it. It measures your knowledge and abilities which will point out areas of needed education. Targeted CEs will be offered to educate you and will get you up to speed on these areas. The good news is, the CEs will count toward your biennium requirements. Once these requirements are met, your certification renewal will be complete.

Other items discussed by the ARRT included the following:

  • Beginning Jan. 1, 2018, a newly earned credential won’t fulfill your CE requirements. What will count, however, are the approved educational activities you complete to qualify for the new credential.
  • If you apply for a post-primary credential before Jan. 1, 2018, you must submit 16 structured education credits that relate to your new discipline
  • If you apply for a post-primary credential on or after Jan. 1, 2018, you must submit 16 structured education credits—each of which covers an area of ARRT’s content outline for that discipline—and you’ll have to earn at least one credit in each of the content outline’s major areas (for example, Patient Care, Safety, Image Production, and Procedures)
  • If you want to change your biennium period to match your TMB license renewal period, you can do so by contacting them on their website. All of this information and more is available at www.arrt.org.


Mr. Jesse D. Pennington, M.S.A.H., R.T., (R) (C.T.) (A.R.R.T.)

Texas Society of Radiologic Technologists

TSRT President 2017 – 2018


Posted 5.23.17

RE: Texas Medical Board’s Continued Education Rule Change

Dear Membership,

Recently the Texas Medical Board (TMB) drafted rule changes for continued education (CE). In short, the TMB increased the number of live, instructor directed CE activities from 3 hours to 12. The TMB stated they were aware the changes might affect licensees currently in the renewal process; therefore, the TMB management were reviewing the changes to determine if a grace period would be given. The TMB has asked technologists not to worry and to continue monitoring the TMB website for future updates. The TMB’s website is located at: http://www.tmb.state.tx.us/page/resources-ce-for-GMRT

Asking technologists not to worry did little to relieve the stress and anxiety immediately felt by numerous technologists throughout Texas. Additionally, the details outlining the numerous rule changes posted on the TMB’s website lacked clarity, which caused further worry and concerns. The Texas Society of Radiologic Technologists (TSRT) quickly became aware of the CE rule changes and the resulting concerns voiced by the TSRT membership and other technologists throughout Texas.

After the TMB’s CE changes were made public, the TSRT Board of Directors immediately began communicating with the TMB Management by e-mail and telephone to obtain information for common questions from our membership and technologists statewide to provide professional counsel. While the TSRT does not dictate TMB policy, the TSRT remained in continual communication with the TMB to communicate the concerns of the TSRT membership. Throughout the day, the TSRT Board continued their hourly communication with the TMB to obtain further details and information, and to provide greatly needed input from our membership and other technologists throughout the state. Simultaneously, the TSRT Board began the process of drafting a letter to keep the TSRT membership informed of the minute to minute situation.

The letter to the TSRT membership was ready to be sent out yesterday evening at 5:00 PM; however, the letter was placed on hold and revised, because the TMB put out another statement. As a direct result of communication vigilance and responsiveness from the TSRT Board and our membership, the TMB decided to revert back to the original CE requirements rules from last year, pending review with the TMB General Counsel and the Texas Board of Medical Radiologic Technology. Technologists will only need 3 live, instructor directed CE activities out of 24 credits every two years as in the past for now. In the future, the TSRT believes the TMB will eventually require 12 instructor directed CE activities; therefore, the TSRT Board will be actively monitoring all licensure changes and ask our membership to continue checking the TMB website for future updates.

In summary, the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) and the TSRT supports state licensure for medical imaging. State licensure greatly needed because protects patients from substandard care and protects technologists jobs; by making sure only highly skilled professionals, educated in radiation protection, radiation physics, patient positioning, equipment protocol and much more are the ones employed by diagnostic medical imaging centers. As mentioned previously, the TSRT does not generate state licensure policy; however, we do advocate for our membership and other technologists statewide, to make sure our voice is heard.

In the future, the TSRT will remain proactive to licensure changes and challenges to steer positive changes and added-value to state and national legislation for patients and our membership. Both the ASRT and the TSRT will continue working for you to protect our patients and strengthening our profession. More challenges are headed our way; but, with your support and collaboration, we will address them head-on.

Now more than ever before, with all the legislative changes and those yet come, it is a critical and important to be a member of the TSRT. Together we can REVIVE the technologist coalition in Texas!


Mr. Jesse D. Pennington, M.S.A.H., R.T. (R) (C.T.) (A.R.R.T.)

President, Texas Society of Radiologic Technologist


Posted 04.13.2017

TSRT Membership:

The Texas Society of Radiologic Technologists is a wonderful organization for many reasons; but, the primary reason is because of people making up our organization. A few months ago this past year’s Board Chair, Mrs. Tiffani Walker participated in the ASRT Foundation’s Rad-Aid International Community Outreach Project. Tiffany was quoted in the ASRT’s Radiologic Technology Journal (November / December 2016). Tiffani said, “…no matter how large the world seems, we are always brought together by the people in it.”

It has been an honor and a privilege to work with this past years Board Members: Outgoing Board Chair, Mrs. Tiffani Walker has served the board for four years and has done a fantastic job each year. Our new Board Chair, Mr. Brian Rich served as president this past year and did an outstanding job, Brian is one of the hardest working and most dedicated technologists I have ever met. Our new President Elect, Mrs. Hazel Bourne did a wonderful job as our Vice President and we are blessed to have her life long experience on the board. The board also welcomes our new Vice President, Mr. Brandon Smith. I also want to recognize our Executive Office Manager, Mrs. Lisa Ganus. Lisa does a tremendous job, year in and year out, and we greatly appreciate her contributions and guidance. We can all take inspiration from their leadership, commitment, and passion for the advancement of the TSRT.

The TSRT membership needs to grow. We need new volunteers to step forward and become strong advocates for our profession and this society. It has been said that the best things in life are proportionate to the discipline required to obtain them. Growing our membership will take effort and time; however, the rewards for our society and our profession are absolutely worth the effort. As president I will continue to give my best to our society. My request of the membership is to continue to work with me as a team, so we can share in all of TSRT’s future success together.


Mr. Jesse D. Pennington, M.S.A.H., R.T. (R) (CT) (ARRT)

President of TSRT 2017-2018