P.O. Box 1189 Wichita Falls, TX 76307


Election Rules

  1. Elections will be held every year. The elections will be for the position of Vice President and President-elect. The position for Secretary Treasurer will be bi-annual on even number years.
  2. The election for the Vice President position will serve for one year and will be eligible to run for the President-elect position the following year.
  3. The position for Secretary Treasurer will hold the elected position for two (2) consecutive years. After the term is completed, the Secretary Treasurer may run for the office of the Vice President or President-elect.
  4. The President-elect position will elevate in position over a three (3) year term.
  5. The rotational term will be as follows: President Elect, President, Board Chair.
  6. The Board Chair will communicate to the entire membership, by whatever means necessary, a nominating window to submit names of individuals to run for these positions.  All nominees must be a member in good standing and currently reside in Texas, as well as having held a committee or appointed position for a minimum of one (1) complete year. The nominee must have actively participated in their committee or appointed position.
  7. Names will be collected by the Nominating Committee Members.  They will submit all names to the Executive Board for review and verification.
  8. The Board Chair will be responsible for all verification and notification of candidates.
  9. The Board Chair will submit names of all nominees to the Board of Directors at the Fall Board Meeting.
  10. The Board Chair shall disburse electronic ballots to each member in the TSRT Database with a 60-day window to submit completed ballots. Election of offices will end December 15th of each year.
  11. Ballots will be sent to the Board Chair and Nominating Committee Members as needed to tabulate the election results to be presented to membership by December 31st of each year.

Election Verification Procedures

  1. The TSRT Board Chair and Nominating Committee will accumulate and verify results.  The  results will be sent to the TSRT Board of Directors and filing in the Executive Office.
  2. The TSRT Board Chair will send the results to the TSRT President, who will then contact each candidate with the results. The winners of each election will verify that he/she is willing to accept the position. Once the winners accept, the Chair and Nominating Committee will submit certification of the election to membership.
  3. New Board Member will take their place on the Board of Directors at the Business Session at the Annual Meeting.