Budget Line Item Descriptions

Affiliate Renewals – TSRT Affiliate Societies pay a $160 annual renewal fee

Annual Meeting – Yearly educational symposium

ASRT Programs – Funds being received from the ASRT Affiliate Development Programs

CERTT – Continuing Educational for Radiologic Technologist in Texas Approval Program

Donations – Private Individuals/Companies that make donations to the organization who do not want to be recognized

Loans – Private Individuals/Companies that make a loan to the organization to assist with the monthly expenses to run the organization.

Membership – Membership fees

Expenses – Annual Meeting


Awards – Cash Prizes for Student Events

Bank Charges – Processing and Handling of Merchant Services for VISA, MasterCard, Discover, PayPal, Return Items and Regions Bank. Refunds by credit card are included in this as well.

Delivery – Any services required to ship supplies to the event site location

Entertainment – Band or DJ

Event Insurance

Exhibit/Vendor Area – signage, table clothes, decorations

Gifts – Gifts for the host site, board, committee members

Hotel – Sleeping rooms for the board and officers

Meal Functions – Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Breaks, and Receptions

Meeting Space


Partnership – If we partner with an affiliate subordinate the profit of the meeting is split by percentage

PayPal Fee – If we set up registration directly through PayPal there is a set up fee

Petty Cash – cash for registration area



Professional Services – cleaning crew, audiovisual department

Refunds – refund registrations that are paid by check. All credit card refunds are included in bank charge section.

Registration Give Aways – bags, tshirts, pens, gift cards, etc.

Social Event/Tours

Speaker Expenses- Travel, hotel, mileage, meals


Transportation Services – Taxi, vans, buses, rental cars

Trophies/Plaques – Student Events, Board Chair, President Pin

TSRT Percentage – Amount TSRT receives from partnership with an Affiliate Subordinate Partner

Expense – Executive Office

Accounting/CPA – A certified public accountant is retained to oversee the operating budget of TSRT. Quarterly reviews are conducted. The yearly audit is performed on the account. They also file our taxes and report to the IRS and ASRT for compliance requirements of a non-profit.


ASRT Annual Meeting – TSRT sends to delegates to the ASRT Annual Meeting.

ASRT Auto Expenses – If a delegate for the ASRT Annual Meeting incures a rental car fee, taxi, or shuttle expense

ASRT RT in DC – If a delegate or affilate delegate represents TSRT at this ASRT sponsored event, ASRT will give the state society monies to help offset the expense if a written report is submitted in a timely manner. The representative receives this reimbursement.

Bank Charges – Monthly bank charges from Merchant Services for VISA, MasterCard, Discover, PayPal and Regions Bank. Refunds on Credit Cards and bounced checks are included in this as well.

Bereavement – Fund to send flowers and cards to past board members and officers families that have died.

Cable/Internet – TSRT Executive Office


Executive Office Assistant Salary – We have two individuals that are PRN status to assist with the office when needed. They are contracted at the state minimum wage rate. They file their own fees with the IRS

Executive Office Manager Salary – We have a signed contract with EOM for $30,000 per year. The Executive Office has a salary cap of $30,000 per year.

Equipment Purchased

Equipment Rental/Lease – copy machine

Gas – Gas for Executive Office and Board to travel to annual meeting, site locations visits, affiliate subordinate meetings for audits, bank, post office, etc. It has been agreed on by the Board that they will receive either reimbursement for gas or mileage, whichever, is the cheapiest and best for society. Mileage has its own seperate line.

Hotel – Sleeping rooms for board for quarterly meetings

Insurance – Professional liability/bond insurance

IRS Filing Penalty – This is the penalty for filing the IRS Tax Forms late due to TSRT not having funds available to pay the Accounting/CPA office for the work. The Accounting/CPA office would not file until the service bill was paid. This is a line item for the 2014-2015 year only.

Legislation – This money is used for the retainment of a legislative consultant if needed during a legislative year. This amount was set by membership when the legislative consultant contract was voided. Membership requested that line item stay at a $1000.

Loan – This line is for private individuals/companies that loan TSRT operating money or cover cost for big items. They allow TSRT to pay them back as money is allowed. This is a line item for the 2014-2015 year.

Membership fees – ASRT fees, Annual Meeting Planner fees, Parlimentarian fees

Mileage/Refueling – Board and Officer that use their cars for TSRT Business are eligible for reimbursement at current milage rates by the IRS. This is due to them traveling to annual meeting, site locations visits, affiliate subordinate meetings for audits, bank, post office, etc. It has been agreed on by the Board that they will receive either reimbursement for gas or mileage, whichever, is the cheapiest and best for society. Gas has its own seperate line.

Officer Expenses – Board and Officer office supply expenses

Parking – Board and Officers fees that they pay for parking when attending required meetings on behalf of TSRT

Postage – Postage for the Day to Day operations of the organization

Printing – Printing for the Day to Day operations of the organization

Refunds – refund memberships and registration for webinars that are paid by check. All credit card refunds are included in bank charge section.

Rent – office and storage space


Supplies – Executive Office Supplies such as paper, pens, paperclips, envelopes, labels, ink, etc

