Mission Statement

The mission of the TSRT shall be to advance the Radiologic sciences, to assist in establishing and maintaining high standards of education and training, to elevate the quality of patient care, and to improve the welfare and socioeconomic of Radiologic Science professionals. This mission shall not be restricted by any consideration of nationality, race, color, sex, or creed.
Purpose of the Texas Society of Radiologic Technologist
  • Represent the common interest of radiologic technologists, in all practice settings, to the professional organizations, governmental agencies and the State of Texas Legislature
  • Educate the public regarding the benefits of extending imaging services to all patients in the State of Texas
  • Enhance the imaging services and opportunities available for the technologist and citizens of Texas
  • Provide regional representation for all members

Mission Video by Michael Hart, TSRT 2010 President

Our Journey Together Video By Tiffani Walker, TSRT 2015 President